Sunday 13 May 2012

The Privileged Shall Inherit The Earth

In homage to this Jubilee year, I thought it would be worth creating a montage that reflects the inequalities of UK society in 2012. We hear politicians espousing about how "we are all in it together" but it just seems to be more sound bites for a subservient media. The inclusiveness of carrying the weight of the finance markets' failures always seems to fall on the vulnerable, weak, insecure and poor within society in the shape of pay freezes, pension changes, cutbacks and increased cost of living, while the "privileged" continue in the lifestyle they are accustomed to.

This isn't about people being rich or wealthy, but it is about those who, born into wealth, use their network of influence and money to achieve their aspirations within a lifestyle of opulence to become decision makers who affect the majority of the population.

It is about how greed and power dismiss the ethos of sharing the burdens of society, and instead place their priorities on the self. 

Three categories of those perceived as examples of privilege and greed are politicians, financiers and the royal family.

Politicians talk of making hard decisions, but such decisions very rarely appear to affect their standard of living, conversely it appears as if middle wage earners and the poor are burdened with the policy decisions that are made.

Financiers, the most obvious group of professionals who are filled with their own self-importance, who have single handedly crippled a large swathe of global economics and contributed precious little to supporting recovery efforts. 

The UK royal family, a group of people born into privilege who play a part in a medieval tradition where they give patronage to their subjects in return for the lifestyle they are accustomed to. Supported by a propaganda machine that is the envy of any commercial enterprise, their contribution to society is questionable.

This art isn't about hatred or envy of these individuals and groups. It is a metaphor and a critique. Hopefully it questions why does there have to be such divisions in society. It is not an aspiration to some quasi communist/socialist society, but it is about what give these groups the right to live a life of opulence while everyone else suffers.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Cardboard Boat Race

Well another cracking day for the Cardboard Boat Race, apart from a couple of showers. It was a high turnout of contenders, with 18 up for the challenge, with all ages taking part.

Lots of stalls and tombollas helped raise money for good causes, with a couple of bands playing music and entertainment for the kids.

Looking Across the Canal

007 Boat Powers Ahead

Arrgh We're Going Down Captain!

Sunday 31 July 2011

A Muggy Day in Edinburgh

A warm muggy day in the capital and starting to get busy in the run up to the festival. Royal Mile heavin with tourists, the castle esplanade stalls built and ready for the Tattoo.

Giant sized photos are positioned around the city of locals.

At the top of Leith Walk, the area has the Omni Centre. It's a lot better than what used to be there.

Went to the David Mach Exhibition which is about the bible. Brilliant! Recommend a visit. Over five floors it has some fantastic images and sculpture. Some quit gruesome too. Images cover the Fall of Jericho, Hell - Disneyland, Hell - Paris, Heaven (Spring, Autumn) Adam and Eve, Plague of Locusts and Noah's Ark (set at the foot of Arthur's Seat) and Jesus Walking on Water.